A paranormal podcast

that dives into the realms of mysterious creatures, and unexplained phenomena.

Hosted by visual designer, storyteller and “true believer” Jazz Hilmer, the podcast features real-life encounters shared by ordinary people who have a paranormal, creepy or strange story to tell. Each episode explores chilling tales from around the world, accompanied by compelling narratives, firsthand accounts, and analysis. With a perfect blend of suspense, skepticism, and open-mindedness, "Campfire Cult" offers an immersive journey into the unknown, leaving listeners captivated and questioning the boundaries of reality.

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Jazz - Your host of The Campfire Cult Podcast
The Campfire Cult Camper Van

Meet your host

A self proclaimed “true believer” of the paranormal, I’m a pixel pushing code monkey by day, the conjurer of paranormal tales by night.

Embarking on my inaugural podcast adventure, I takes deep dives into the world of the paranormal, sharing stories that are meant to be listen to in the dark. My fascination with the otherworldly traces back to childhood, when tales of bigfoot were used as bait to lure me into the wilderness for family camping adventures. From that moment, an insatiable curiosity for all things paranormal was ignited within me resulting in a lifelong passion.

A modern-day nomad, I live and work within the confines of a self-built camper van that serves as both home and podcast headquarters. I’m guided by the spirits of the tales I recount, roaming the land, seeking out the very locations that birthed these captivating stories.

Join me on this extraordinary journey, as I lead you through a labyrinth of real-life encounters, unearthing the secrets that lie just beyond the veil of our existence. Get ready to be transported to the edges of reality, where the ordinary fades away, and the supernatural reigns supreme.

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